• Sixteenth Forum entitled (investment future investment in Egypt)

    Event StartDate :23/11/2014
    Event EndDate : 24/11/2014

    The EastChamberpresents its compliments; this is to inform youthatwe received aletterfromthe Council ofSaudi ChambersNo.ش.خ/م . ل/3370dated of12/20/1435,includingthe formation ofa delegation froma group ofSaudi businessmenheaded byChairman of the Boardof Saudi Chambers, Dr./Abdul Rahman BinAbdullahAl-Zamilto participate in theSixteenth Forumof thebusiness ownersand Arabsinvestorsunder the title"investmentinEgypt isinvestment for the future."thisjointly organized bythe General Unionof Chambersandthe ArabLeague of Arab Statesand the Arabinvestment Guarantee Corporationand in cooperationwith the General Unionof Chambers ofEgyptduring the period fromNovember 23 to 24, 2014ADin Cairo,under the auspicesofHis Excellency PresidentAbdel Fattahal-SisiPresident of theArab Republic of Egypt.
         We kindly hopefor those who wishto participatein the Conferenceto fillthe attached formandfor queriespleasecontactthe Executive Directorof theSaudi-EgyptianBusiness Council ,Fahadbin MohammedAl-Osaimimobilenumber(0555991599)or emailfalosaimi @ csc.org.sa)).
    Note that thelast date to receive theapplication formsfor participanton Thursday,November 13, 2014.​

    الاستمارة للمشاركة بالمؤتمر.pdf

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